Hello, class! Here is your task about animals and pets:
- Open a new Power point document and make a slideshow with four slides:
- The first slide for the title and your profile
- The second slide with title, text (almost with five little sentences) and object.
- The third one with the same layout but about an animal that is not in your class book.
- And finally the last slide for the dedications and the date.
*Remember that you only can use the sounds, effects and colors when you have finished the writing .
*Images: Flickr, google in English, Big Photo or Webshots
*Sounds and music: Free sound effects , Free music , Free animal sounds
*Dictionary: Trans 2.0 (This dictionary is so good that it hurts)
-Sure you have all those pages in your favourites???
If you have missed something go to INFOTECA - English files - Power point useful links folder and add them to your favourites.
*When you finish everything, save the document in the docencia folder, please.
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